Shetland Week 3 Summary - Drawing and Open Studio Event at Sumburgh

This week, I spent time bringing together images and experiences of the sites I’ve visited so far and making sketches to map-out ideas. It’s been inspiring to spend time at the lighthouse and take walks around the surrounding area. It’s interesting to consider Sumburgh Head as a microcosm of the whole of Shetland, with its mix of rolling gentle hills and dramatic rocky cliff, then also the many elements of human habitation that make their marks in the landscape - scattered buildings, boundaries that criss-cross the land and crumbling ruins.

A view of Sumburgh from the walk up to Compass Head.

Artist Talk and Open Studio | Sunday 23rd August, 2:00, Sumburgh Head

I also spent time during the week preparing for this event, putting together research for a presentation and also arranging sketches so far.

It was a lovely afternoon in the stunning interpretation room at Sumburgh with its panoramic views, speaking with visitors and sharing my work.

Thank you to those who came along, as I learnt a lot from the questions asked, and from the experience of taking about ideas so far - alway a scary thing to do!

In the grounds of Sumburgh Head - a view of the WWII Radar Receiver Hut, incongruous with its 19th century surroundings.