New year and a new project
Life Drawing, 2023
This spring, I’m really excited to be starting new directions in my work, exploring landscape and aspects of anthropomorphism. With support from the VACMA (Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards) Programme, I’ll be able to start a project to test and research monoprint processes, and expand on recent preoccupations with chance and imagination in my drawings.
It will be amazing to start exploring monoprint, which I’ve been interested in for a long time as a kind of bridge between drawing and printing, and with its inherent sense of endless possibility.
In April I plan to start this time of research and development skills , and so until then it’s a good time for thinking and planning, looking back and reflecting, and always learning and drawing!
Hopefully 2025 will be an exciting and productive year.
With many thanks to Shetland Arts Development Agency, Creative Scotland and Shetland Islands Council for their support through the VACMA programme.
Shetland Arts Blog Post about the Programme - here.