Norman Ackroyd's 'The Furthest Lands'
Norman Ackroyd's 'The Furthest Lands’ is a brilliant exhibition, currently showing at Yorkshire Sculpture Park until 24th February 2019.
His work explores the edges of the British Isles, and many of his etchings and drawings were made in Shetland. The prints have amazing freshness with dynamic lines and marks, and many ranges of tone - deep black cliffs contrast sparkling white seas.
After making small sketches of my favourites, I could understand Ackroyd’s images better. Compositions are bold, bringing attention to dramatic cliff edges and sweeping lines. It is almost as though he is making images of his memories in nature, and committing to paper only the essentials of the visionary moment. As viewers we are also given glimpses of these fleeting but powerful moments, which evoke the continuous swirl and change of nature.
For insight into Norman Ackroyd’s practise: