Motherhood, Loss and The First World War

Talk and Workshop at Bressay Heritage Centre, Thursday 22nd November, 7.30 pm
Refreshments are included.

We have now past one hundred years since the end of the First World War. But though centenaries of key dates in the conflict have now past, we must not stop remembering. And we must not forget those who were left with grief and loss once the guns fell silent. 

 We would also like to hear your stories 

Do you have a story you’d like to share relating to Motherhood and World War One? Or perhaps have a handmade family item made by a mother for their son or daughter? Poet Peter Ratter will be joining us for the evening to help us imagine and write lost words of grief and remembrance, inspired by our stories and objects.

This evening is part of ‘Motherhood, Loss and The First World War’ project, a centenary commemoration project led by Big Ideas and funded by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), with a National Lottery grant from Big Lottery Fund to work in Home Nations.

Aimee Labourne