More Painting at Bressay Lighthouse
~ LINES MADE BY WALKING ~ A Drawing and Walking Workshop, June 2018 ~
Ideas / More Painting at Bressay Lighthouse with Shetland Schoolchildren
Another brilliant day painting and drawing with Shetland Schoolchildren at Bressay Lighthouse! The early morning mists cleared giving some fantastic light as the sun came through. We had some lovely drawing and painting work, again working quickly with our simple materials of just sketchbooks, watercolours and marker pens. What I found so interesting with the children’s work was the variation in techniques and approaches. Some were entire scenes, with all of the lighthouse and the surrounding cliffs skill-fully described. Some were very simple but very effective - for example, the yellow brickwork of the edge of a building picked out in bold paint. I think this is a lovely approach to carry forward to the 'Lines Made By Walking’ workshop - that picking out simple details in the surroundings can be just as interesting as trying to capture a whole scene.
Read more about Shetland Arts and their work with children here: