The Big Draw - Guest Panellists Choice Award

Thank you to The Big Draw!

I'm delighted to be receiving the Guest Panellists Choice award for my Big Draw 2020 Festival event!

‘Elements’ was a series of 40 daily drawing prompts posted in this social page in January and February 2021. The series covered some of the elements of drawing technique, whilst also taking a fresh look at nature.

The responses I received were so inspiring and diverse, and from across a huge geographical area. It was amazing to be able to connect with and support each other and during what was still a difficult time of ongoing Covid-related restrictions.

Holding this event also really gave me a push to continue developing Aert, my drawing and environment workshop enterprise! Visit the Aert Workshops section, above, to find out more.

Thank you so much to the panel of judges, as this is a great honour, and congratulations to all the amazing award winning projects. And thank you to the Big Draw for the inspiration you give, and for everything to do to support drawing!

WorkshopsAimee Labourne