Exhibition for Shetland Wool Week 2023

Here is a little preview of a lovely project I've been working on with Fair Isle with Marie!

Using the traditional techniques of Fair Isle knitting, Marie has created a distinctive collection of knitwear, inspired by her island home. Earlier in the year, she asked me to make drawings of her designs to highlight patterns in the design and allow the knitter to imagine their own colour ways.

I loved studying these intricate patterns and finding beautiful aspects of nature and geometry in their design. You can see all 9 drawings on show this week during Shetland Wool Week at The Bop Shop in Lerwick. Talented ladies Marie and Eve Eunson are hosting a pop up studio/shop there to showcase two Fair Isle’s heritage crafts under one roof: flat-bed machine knitting and strawback chair knotting.

Prints of a selection of these drawings are available to buy at the Bop Shop, and also at this Saturday's Wool Week Makers Market!

Thank you very much also to Shetland Arts for lending frames to show these drawings.