Shetland Nature Festival 2018

~ Shetland Nature Festival 28th July - 5th August ~

Here is a recent sketch of one of Shetland’s most stunning locations, the Stanes of Stofast. These stones are glacial erratics - rocks different to those of their surroundings that were carried and left behind by an ancient ice flow.

If you’d like to spend time drawing another of Shetland’s beautiful and rocky locations, join us at Sumburgh Head on Thursday 2nd August, 2-4pm for ‘Drawing Sumburgh’. Spending time outside in the grounds of the lighthouse, we’ll study seaswept cliffs and craggy stacks, and the many birds which call this dramatic headland their summer home. 

Suitable for all levels of drawing ability, all materials are also included. To book, and to see what else is happening during Shetland Nature Festival, please visit:

Hope to see you there! 

Aimee Labourne